How to Use Landing Pages to Grow Your Business

Most businesses know the basics of a decent online presence – a website and social media pages – but not all of them know how to optimise each aspect of their customer’s online journey. Take your website, for example. Your homepage is a wealth of information that can direct visitors from one page to the next. But, this can often be confusing, overwhelming and not specific enough for one type of customer you’re trying to convert. That’s where landing pages come in.

Landing Pages Help Grow Your Business by Focusing on Visitors
A landing page is a tailor-made piece of content that has been optimised specifically for one type of visitor and usually for one goal: conversion.  It’s a way of clearing through the clutter and having a laser-focused message that you’re trying to get across to a segment of your target audience. 

Why landing pages are a good thing for your business: 

A landing page allows you to:
– Speak directly to the right visitors – Not all visitors will be interested in all of your products. Landing pages help segment and guide a specific part of your target audience to the products or solutions perfect for them. Without them having to do any work. This increases conversion rates and also the customer experience you’re offering.
– Set up multiple sales funnels and nurture your audience – Sales funnels that are highly targeted are an easy, automated way of creating income streams and nurturing your leads when they come in. Successful sales and marketing funnels all start with a landing page.
– Test and optimise campaigns through personalisation – With a landing page it’s easy to test what elements work for your audience and which don’t! This is because there are usually fewer elements on the page and you can test each one at a time.
– Get higher conversion rates for campaigns – When you’re doing a promotion on a particular product or service, a landing page targets this message making conversion rates higher!

So, what can landing pages be used for?
This depends on your objectives and the visitor’s location in the buyer’s journey and awareness stages, but common uses include:
– Capturing leads and/or growing your mailing list
– Brand awareness and deeper understanding of the solutions that solve their problems
– Converting visitors to customers
– Product or service sales

Five Tips to Optimise Your Landing pages
No matter what your landing page goal is, the following five tips will help you get there:

1. Eye Catching Headlines
Entice but be clear to your audience on what this page is about. Common practice is to immediately address the issue your product or service deals with. Your visitors are there and you want them to stay, so you need to be interesting straight off the bat. 

2. Clear Design of CTAs
Make it obvious what your audience needs to do and what the conversion of the page is! Many landing pages fail because it’s not clear how to get this amazing deal or service you’re talking about. Keep it simple! Clear, obvious buttons like Sign Up, Visit Shop, or Contact Us are easy ways to get your point across. Make sure you have a button above the fold (before your customer scrolls down the page) and further down if your landing page is a long one. 

3. Setting Up Your Offer
Present visitors with a clear message of what you offer and what they will get if they sign up. Avoid gatekeeping practices like “name squeezing” that forces visitors to enter their information to proceed those kind of tactics don’t appeal to audiences anymore and may in fact turn them off your brand.  

4. Simple Layout and Design
To reduce bounce rates, eliminate elements you don’t need, such as navigation bars, footers, and social media links. All of them can shift the attention away from your CTAs. 

5. Social Proof
Visitors need to see they can trust you, so include testimonials and feedback directly on the landing page. Around 91% of consumers (aged 18 to 34) trust online reviews on the same level as personal recommendations. 

Be aware that landing pages are not a “set it and forget it” type of deal. Your business will only grow if you regularly test, tweak, and update them. Take control of your business growth by optimising what they see when they land on your website.