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How to Write Business Emails That Actually Convert
Unlike the unsolicited mail shots of old, business emails carry a fundamental advantage; you already know that the recipient is interested in your brand, because they’ve opted in to receive correspondence.

But slapdash business emails won’t encourage them to stick around, particularly with the short attention span of people today. So to make meaningful conversions, you need to optimise every part of the email!


How to Write Business Emails That Actually Convert

10 Tips on How to Increase Your Brand Awareness Through Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads can be an excellent tool to build awareness of your brand, but it’s overwhelming when you’re trying to get started. Here’s our top tips for getting the most out of this powerful platform!


10 Tips on How to Increase Your Brand Awareness Through Facebook Ads

How to Use Landing Pages to Grow Your Business

Most businesses know the basics of a decent online presence – a website and social media pages – but not all of them know how to optimise each aspect of their customer’s online journey. Take your website, for example. Your homepage is a wealth of information that can direct visitors from one page to the next. But, this can often be confusing, overwhelming and not specific enough for one type of customer you’re trying to convert. That’s where landing pages come in.

Landing Pages Help Grow Your Business by Focusing on Visitors
A landing page is a tailor-made piece of content that has been optimised specifically for one type of visitor and usually for one goal: conversion.  It’s a way of clearing through the clutter and having a laser-focused message that you’re trying to get across to a segment of your target audience.


How to Use Landing Pages to Grow Your Business

Types of Visuals to Use in Blog Posts (Top 5 – Most Effective)

No matter what kind of a blog you write, visuals should always be your friend. Visuals are pleasant to your readers’ eyes and they help you keep your audience more interested and engaged with your content. In fact, posts that include visuals produce 650% higher engagement than text-only posts. As a result, people stay on your page much longer, decreasing that bounce rate that is too essential for your ranking placement in search results.

Now, let’s discover the top 5 most effective types of visuals for you to use right in your next blog post. Believe us, you will see the positive results not long after its implementation. Also, just so you know, 84% of online communications is predicted to be visual by 2018. So, why would you lack behind, right? Right! Now, follow us!


Types of Visuals to Use in Blog Posts (Top 5 – Most Effective)

How to Drive Organic Traffic Without High Rankings in Google

You think it’s unlikely to drive organic traffic to your website without ranking on the first page of Google? Well, we are here to tell you the opposite.
You CAN get lots of organic traffic not having super high rankings in Google. How?
Let’s learn the 3 main ways now!


How to Drive Organic Traffic Without High Rankings in Google

Key Marketing Strategies From The Startup World

We live in a world where marketing can create a tremendous impact on the success of businesses. If you take look at the most successful brands such as Kraft, McDonald’s, and Abbott, you would realise how good they are at marketing. If you are an entrepreneur or if you want to be an entrepreneur, you have to learn the effective marketing strategies that startups have followed in order to reach the pinnacle of success within a short period of time. Here is a list of few key marketing strategies from the startup world.


Key Marketing Strategies From The Startup World

Creating Buyer Personas: The New Marketing Focus For Your Business

When thinking about what makes an idea distinctive, it comes down to individuality. Whereas a target audience can be thought of as a mass group with typical preferences, buyer personas are less general. One expert has described them as being equivalent to a buyer personality. The basic idea is to consider one person, such as a 22-year-old arts student who lives away from home, for example, whom you can persuade to make a purchase. Then, you should produce content which might tempt individuals like that to act.


Creating Buyer Personas: The New Marketing Focus For Your Business

Our client list spans the gamut – we’ve worked with startups, small to mid-sized businesses, pre-IPO and listed companies. Our ideal clients are companies looking for a full-service outsourced marketing team to take their marketing from average to awesome. Is that you?
